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Photo by Chris Liu-Beers on Unsplash

NEWS DIGEST NO.1  #WisdomToWellness 

Ruby Deevoy

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NEWS DIGEST NO.7 #WisdomtoWellness
NEWS DIGEST NO.7 #WisdomtoWellness

Our monthly round-up of Cannabis, CBD, wellbeing and lifestyle news with a smattering of Colombia and the natural world for you to enjoy and be amazed by!

Ruby Deevoy

NEWS DIGEST NO.13 #WisdomToWellness
NEWS DIGEST NO.13 #WisdomToWellness

Cannabis, Colombia, good news and nature at your fingertips.

Claudia Avila-Batchelor

Traditional Chinese Medicine Through the Seasons
Traditional Chinese Medicine Through the Seasons

One of the most ancient medical systems is Traditional Chinese Medicine – here, we reveal the seasonal self care secrets you can use.

Ruby Deevoy & Christopher Handbury

25 years of wisdom and heritage

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Wellness is in your hands

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Dermactiva was created using over 25 years of wisdom and heritage from Herman Patiño’s proven base product, using certified Organic Cannabis Sativa Oil.

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